Oh hi, cast of Wet Hot American Summer in BK Bridge Park last night

These guys must have a Trapper Keeper full of appointments. Via camilleschaers Instagram.

You could hardly find a better way to kick off a free screening of Wet Hot American Summer than to have the cast show up on a whim and introduce the damn thing. Amy Poehler, Paul Rudd, Michael Showalter, A.D. Miles and director David Wain — most of whom were in the nabe filming a movie called They Came Together this week anyway — popped in to Brooklyn Bridge Park last night to say hi and introduce the 11-year-old contender for best summer movie of all time. They were greeted with a standing ovation, because why wouldn’t they be? 

Conservancy Executive Director Nancy Webster, Amy Poehler, Michael Showalter, David Wain, A.D. Miles and Paul Rudd win the summer. Via BK Bridge Park Facebook.

You see? This is why you always go to free events in Brooklyn. Because you never know what you’ll miss. Also, how stoked are you that more than a decade later these people are doing a movie together again?

UPDATE 2:30pm: Brooklyn Bridge Park just added this photo to their Facebook too!

Tim Donnelly :

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