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Valentine’s Day idea: Adopt a bunny that survived the Gowanus as a sign of your undying love

Mom Rose and her 9-month old daughter Ria, two of the rabbits up for adoption. Photo via Petfinder.

The Gowanus syphilis bunnies should be the mascots for Brooklyn: They’re adorable, tough, hardened by city life, possibly full of venereal disease and confusing to your friends who live elsewhere in the country. As a refresher, the city last year rescued almost 200 rabbits from an abandoned lot near the Gowanus, accusing their owner of animal abuse, including letting the rabbits develop syphilis. As Dave wrote last year, “Man this story about about hundreds of rabbits living in an empty lot near a Superfund site got real dark real fast.”

But good news! The rabbits are syphilis free and doing well, and now some of them are going up for adoption at a Valentine’s Day event tomorrow! Because what’s a better sign of your love than a bunny that survived the Gowanus? 

DNAinfo reports that 75 of the rabbits that once belonged to the sick lovechild of Cruella de Vill and Elmer Fudd will be available for you to adopt on Saturday at a Valentine’s Day adoption event.

The ASPCA Buns N’Roses (pun name APPROVED) event will be held at the gymnasium of the candidate assessment building at the former police academy at 235 E 20th St, between Second and Third avenues in Manhattan, from 1-4pm Saturday.

There’s a $25 adoption fee, which includes a cage and water bottle. All bunnies are spayed/neutered too. You might end up raising a bunch of toxic avenging super rabbits, but it beats a cat.

Tim Donnelly :