Tag: pets

New BK shelter to offer refuge to domestic-violence victims and their pets, the Great Pupkin contest results, and more links

Tuesday news.

Valentine’s Day idea: Adopt a bunny that survived the Gowanus as a sign of your undying love

The Gowanus syphilis bunnies should be the mascots for Brooklyn: They're adorable, tough, hardened by city life, possibly full of…

So fetch: How to own a dog without going broke

Anna Jane Grossman from School For The Dogs says you don't have to eat dog food yourself to make having…

Blessed are the pugs: Get your pets blessed this Sunday for the Feast of St. Francis

Your pet dog or cat or manatee (just bring him back to SeaWorld already) probably hasn't been to church in…

Apartment Hunt: ‘Stop telling me to bring my cat (or dog or fish)’ Edition

I've got a bone to pick with the housing market. Everywhere you look this month, there are calls to "bring…

Take this person’s free destructive, ‘a-hole’ toads

It's the same story every time. You buy some toads to put in your fish tank because the guy at…

Adopt an adorable bodega cat of your very own!

Fact: Even people who hate cats love bodega cats. After all, they're the last line of defense between mice and…

Craigslist freebie of the day: stick bugs. Bugs that look like sticks

Hey Brooklyn, want a pet? Want a pet that you don't have to pay for and don't really need to…

Dubious deal of the day: Adopt one kitten, get a second free

The Groupon revolution has changed the way we do everything, from buying baseball tickets to getting laser eye surgery. Of…

Craiglist freebie of the day: a horse, for your inner 8-year-old

Remember when you were a kid and all you wanted for your birthday was a horse? We're just assuming that…