Categories: contests

24-hour giveaway! One night freebie-ganza in Atlantic City

You know we’ve made it big when national companies come knocking on our door for promotion. (Actually, they hit up little tiny blogs all the time, but the attention goes straight to our head anyway.) So we recently got this email from Greyhound Bus Lines inviting two people from Brokelyn on an all-expense-paid blogger trip to Atlantic City this Friday, Jan. 29. Free drinks, a free night at the Hilton, free spa treatments, the works. That sounds fun in theory, until we start posting about our delectable mojitos at the Tropicana and suddenly our subway-fare-scrounging readers want to poke our eyes out with a roulette rake.

At the same time, it was hard to say no to such irresistible graft. So what’s a budget-living blog to do? Send YOU in our place. Yep, we need a reader to be our guest blogger on an overnight trip to Atlantic City on Friday—and anyone can enter. And our guest blogger even gets to bring a friend.

Here’s the catch, or, as we hope you see it, opportunity: You have to write at least one entry about some part of the getaway, for publication on Brokelyn after your return. Said blog post can, and should, be funny. It should accompany a reasonably unblurry photograph taken by you. The post should nakedly address the fact that we are accepting free stuff in exchange for publicity. What else? Up to you.

To enter: 1) Be at least 21 years old. 2) Be a Brokelyn email subscriber. 3) Have a Twitter account and be unafraid to use it. 4) Be able to be at Port Authority Friday, Jan. 29 afternoon at 2 p.m., returning some time Saturday night, Jan. 30. 5) Make us laugh. Send us a few words on why you’re the right Atlantic City travel blogger for the job. We’re looking for a sense of humor and editorial verve, and since you’re repping Brokelyn, we want to send someone our readers won’t want to kill, ie., “My boss at Cravath Swaine said it would be cool if I took the day off because I still have lots of bonus money left over.” (But don’t make up a sob story either.)

Fulfill all those requirements and email us at ac@brokelyn.com WITHIN 24 HOURS and you’ll be entered into the Atlantic City giveaway contest. That means by 7 pm on Tuesday. If you’re our unrandomly-selected winner, all details will follow. Good luck!

Jonathan Berk :

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  • I find normal situations full of cliches awkward. And I can get myself into all sorts of awkward situations where I'm way over my head and then barely escape with a great story delivered with a punch utilizing all my comedy experience.