Hey, remember the graduate-level film school at the Navy Yard? And how it was going to be awesome as all get out, with cheap tuition and close proximity to a working film lot? Things just got a whole lot better if you’re going to be a student there, because Brooklyn College just named the school’s first president: Jonathan Wacks. He directed a little TV program you might have heard of called 21 Jump Street. Suck on that, expensive California film schools!
Wacks, who in addition to creating beloved tween TV shows, has a long background in academia, and will be coming to the school from Emerson College. According to Crain’s, the school pushed back its first year from 2014 to 2015, which is a bummer, but if you were thinking of applying, the tuition costs will brighten your day. For New York State residents (which you presumably are), tuition will be only $18,805 per year. For grad school! For a grad school where you can pop in to the president’s office under the guise of having a serious academic question and then pepper him with questions about young Johnny Depp. Not that you’d do that, since you have to take your education very seriously. We’d do that, though.
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What is happening with the Brooklyn College MFA Film Program? I haven't heard anything about it recently. Can't find anything on their website about when I can apply.