Categories: Activism

Ensure Trump ‘gets the help he needs’ for Tax Day by spamming the White House with 1040 forms

Tax Day is exactly a week away (it’s next Tuesday, April 18), and as much as us individuals and small businesses struggle to get our returns in on time, it is clear that no one is having quite as much difficulty with his taxes as Donald Trump. When an entire country, all American media, your fellow elected officials, and your patriotic duty demand you file your taxes, not even on time, but at some point eventually, and you are still incapable, clearly you need some help – thus was born 1040fortrump.com, a website dedicated to helping President Trump, “gets the help he needs.”

(Hopefully you know this by now, because it’s due in seven days, but a 1040 form is where you tell the IRS how much you made last year, AKA your income tax return.)

The site’s purpose is simple:

Hannah Frishberg :Queen Brokester, native Brooklynite. The F train is my soul animal.