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You’ve got another chance for rooftop camping, in August

You can tell scary stories about late rent payments. via Facebook

Want to camp, but don’t want to go far from the bright lights of New York? Usually, that presents a problem. Not this summer though. Bivoauc NYC, an art project/rooftop camping night run by Thomas Stevenson has held a few nights of camping on a roof in Brooklyn this summer, and if you thought you’d missed out, good news: there’s a few more in August.

For Bivoauc, Stevenson  gets a secret location in Brooklyn with a roof large enough to hold 7 lean-to tents that hold 14 people total. It’s not a weekend getaway either, at least judging from the copy on the website, that asks you to “conduct your working hours as usual” while you’re not eating beans out of a can on a roof with strangers. You don’t have to pee off the roof though, since Stevenson also promises access to an indoor toilet.

If you want in, watch the sign up page for the August dates and if there are spots left when you sign up, you’ll get an email from Stevenson within 72 hours if there are any tents available. What if you don’t hear from him? Well, we suppose you can always just hang out on your roof with a case of Americans and your own damn tent. Or just, y’know, go to the woods and go camping where there’s at least the risk of a bear attack. That is roughing in.

David Colon :