Williamsburg losing diner building on Wythe, but hey, there’s still Kellog’s DIner

Future condos. via Flickr user Joseph

So, get your fill of hope and joy and goodwill towards man on Christmas and now you’re looking to be a terrible grump talking about missing “the old New York” again? Great, have we got a story for you. The old-school diner building on Wythe Avenue and North 3rd Street in Williamsburg is being torn down to make way for some condos according to Brownstoner. “Oh god,” you huff, “just more proof that this is a shit, garbage tire fire of a year.” There’s still a diner in Williamsburg, that serves actual diner food though!

Per Brownstoner, the diner building at 225 Wythe that now houses a La Esquina offshoot will be torn down to make way for a 6 story building with 10 1,200 square foot apartments. So no, you won’t be living there anytime soon. Or anytime ever we imagine.  So, ring the alarm, another piece of iconic Williamsburg gone for condos, right? On the one hand, sure, we’re losing a cool building, and it’s a good bet the one replacing this will be boxy and generic. But Williamsburg does have one diner left that’s still housed in an iconic diner-shaped building:

Still here after all these years! via Flickr user *Bitch Cakes*

Good old Kellog’s, friend to children and drunks, is still here. And unlike the diner on Wythe which hasn’t been a diner in years, after 86 years, Kellog’s is still the kind of place with booth seating and a menu of a thousand choices. So, take a moment to bitch about the Wythe diner leaving if you must, but feel free to meet us at Kellog’s for pancakes when you’re done. Ooh, or maybe an omelette. Or a Reuben?

David Colon :