Enter this affordable housing lottery to score a $867/month W’burg studio

A rendering of 94 North 3rd Street. Photo via Hudson Companies

The history books may very well recall that, in 2017 New York, the ultimate fantasy was to win a housing lottery allowing eligible applicants to live out their days in an apartment desirable because it rents for only a third of its occupants’ salary – an ideal standard. Hopefully, by the time these future tour guides discuss our current real estate prices, they will be considered even more and not less exorbitant. Time will tell, but for now, here are the lottery details.

This lottery is for 15 newly constructed units at 94 North 3rd St. in Williamsburg. There are seven studios, five one-bedrooms, and three two-bedrooms, all priced for those making 60 percent area median income. The studios will rent for $867/month to single-person households making $31,612 to $40,080 a year; the one-bedrooms will rent for $931/month to one- to two-person households making $33,875 to $45,840 a year; and the two-bedrooms will rent for $1,123 to two- to four-person households making between $40,492 and $57,240 a year.

Eligibility chart via NYC Housing Connect

The building boasts concierge service, a package room, gym, roof terrace, court yard, tenant lounge and, for extra money, a parking space, bike parking and even a garden plot.

A combined seven percent of units will be set aside for the mobility-, vision-, or hearing-disabled. Preference for 50 percent of the units will be given to Community Board 1 residents, and five percent for Municipal employees.

The development is accessible by the G, L and a number of bus lines.

As always, there’s no broker’s fee nor application fee – just apply through NYC Housing Connect. The lottery began accepting applications today, and will continue accepting through midnight on December 7.

Hannah Frishberg :Queen Brokester, native Brooklynite. The F train is my soul animal.

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