Today: the great pop-up swap meet

Picture 18This not-quite Thanksgiving weekend means you’re not-quite behind schedule for holiday shopping. What better way to get a jump on that lugubrious task than check out some free, random, fascinating, totally-great-gift-idea-you’d-never-woulda-thought-of-in-Macy’s merchandise?

Score! will host its latest pop-up swap meet at 3rd Ward this Saturday, and guess who’s part of the give-and-get action? Brokelyn! We’ve signed on as an official supporter of the event (along with L Magazine, Hearty Magazine, Impose, Girlie Girl Army and Yelp) because it’s got that sort of groovy help-each-other-out-while-helping-yourself-on-the-cheap vibe that we love so much.

The key deets: the event goes from 1 to 7 p.m. Saturday at 3rd Ward, 195 Morgan Ave. in Williamsburg. Cover is $3.

Just in case you’re a noob, we’ll swap you some information on how these meets work in exchange for you passing this post along to your friends (See? You’re getting already). You first have to RSVP here. Then you go over to your closet/storage unit/bedroom of your roommate who is delinquent on rent and gather up anything you have that you’ve already gone off: clothes, DVDs, music, housewares, books, art, kitchen appliances, shoes … you get the idea. Then you bring them over to 3rd Ward on Saturday.

Swap categories include:
Clothing & Accessories (Guys, Gals, Kids) – curated by Nisha Gopalan (senior editor, Nylon Magazine)
Music – curated by Showpaper
Art Supplies – curated by Lowbrow Society For The Arts
Books DVDs / Media – curated by The Desk Set
Housewares & Miscellany – curated by Natalie Kamei

All the leftover goods will go to charity, and proceeds will go to City Harvest. After that, have at it! You’re free to rummage through the collected jetsam of the rest of the borough and take whatever you like. And you will likely find things you like. Someone in the Score! comments is promising to bring a bevy of colorful legwarmers, random comic books, and an old TLC CD.

Tim Donnelly :

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