Dine in Brooklyn: make those rezzies now


The time of year has arrived to get out and splurge on a nice meal, but splurge a little less than usual. Dine in Brooklyn starts this Monday, Mar. 15, and over 200 of the Borough’s fine (and some really fine) restaurants are taking part. We’re excited about the $25 three-course dinner—or $20.10 lunch—at places like al di la Trattoria, applewood, Bocca Lupo, Chestnut, iCi, Miriam, Northeast Kingdom, Taci’s Beyti Restaurant and many, many others. And to make the deal even sweeter, the list includes more than a smattering of places where $25 covers a meal for two. See all of them here.

Whether the event means trying somewhere a $ or two above your usual fare, or you’re returning to an old favorite, let us know where you’re heading next week.

Jonathan Berk :

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