Where to watch The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones and Doctor Who this weekend

The Doctor does undercover work between seasons

Sunday is a big day for people of a certain faith. Who look to great books to answer their questions about life, human nature and moral ways to act. What? No, what’s Easter? We were talking about it being a day that three cult television shows air on the same day, two of them at the same time even. Game of Thrones and Doctor Who kick off their long-awaited new seasons Sunday (Doctor Who premieres Saturday for you fancy lads with cable, but the party is Sunday), while third season of The Walking Dead shambles to its season finale, with all the related clifhanging and shocks that go along with it. And if you don’t have a TV, you’re missing out. Or are you? Here a few spots that will get you your fix of either time traveling, bloody court intrigue or zombies, depending on what you want.

The Walking Dead

The forever bleak show about the zombie apocalypse will be taking a break from its message of “You are helpless in the face of the living dead” and allowing its fans to actually enjoy themselves in the summer sun. And probably always keeping an eye out for people who walk suspiciously shambl-y. Before that though, there’s one more soul crushing episode to get through with Rick and the gang. Your choices are Matt Torrey’s (46 Bushwick Avenue, Williamsburg), Brooklyn Winery (213 N. 8th Street, Williamsburg) or Videology (308 Bedford Avenue, Williamsburg)

Game of Thrones

Between the seeming lack of joy of sex on Girls and all the rape and incest in Game of Thrones, is there anyone on HBO who gets to enjoy sex? Maybe that’s why Enlightened was canceled? Either way, Sunday marks the televised return to the dragons, blood and Peter Dinklage of the Kingdom of Westeros. If you’ve chosen to watch the Walking Dead finale at Videology, you can stick around to catch Game of Thrones after. Otherwise, head to Halyards (406 3rd Avenue, Gowanus) and show up in costume for a free drink, or Lola Bklyn (387 Myrtle Avenue, Fort Greene). Both of which, conveniently enough, are beer book bars.

Doctor Who

And finally, Anglophile nerds who prefer quips and sonic screwdrivers to shotguns and swords can head to the Way Station (683 Washington Avenue, Prospect Heights), where the bar will be showing the premiere episode of the new season of Doctor Who three times in one day, by constantly making use of their TARDIS to go back in time after it ends. No, not really, they’re just opening at noon. In addition to the premiere, they’ll be playing “Asylum of the Daleks” and “The Snowmen” before it, just to get everyone in the mood. Take note that this doesn’t mean that you can see the episode three times in a day, because they’re asking people to clear out and make room for a new group of fans who want to see the Doctor return to the screen.

And finally, finally: agoraphobic? Sick? Just really hungover? Starting tomorrow, Cartoon Network bangers like Adventure Time, Regular Show, Aqua Teen Hunger Force and The Boondocks hit Netflix Instant. Just in time for summer, we have plenty of reasons to not go outside!

David Colon :

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