Let’s pause your Sandy-drenched nightmare for a sec to remind you that there’s a Presidential election on Tuesday. We almost forgot all about the Binders Full of Women. Here are some election parties happening on Tuesday in Brooklyn.
Brooklyn Election ’12 Results Party
Sheep Station, 149 4th Ave. at Douglass St., Gowanus
Happy Hour all night, “I Voted” Cocktails, trivia and prizes. 6pm
Raging Election, 2012 Viewing Party
The Bell House, 149 7th St., Gowanus
Join the hilarious Liam McEneaney and watch the elections results come in live on the big screen. Event features drink specials like the Coke & Rumney, the Bahamobama Mama, and the Four More Beers to wash down the poutine from the SNAP! truck, which will be parked outside. Mike Doughty DJs the after party. 7:30pm
Big Queer Election Watch Party
Pillow Cafe, 505 Myrtle b/w Grand and Ryerson, Clinton Hill
Watch the presidential returns with Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice and Pillow Café, in a place with lots of pillows. 6:30pm, happy hour until 7.
Bat Haus Election Night Party
279 Starr St., Bushwick
With plentiful beer, swing-state bingo, partisan jello shots, political Jenga, and a special “elephant room” for New York Republicans, the folks at this giant Bushwick loft/co-working space will make November 6 an evening to remember and/or forget. Don’t be surprised if Joe Biden is sleeping it off on the couch on the morning of November 7. 7pm, $5
Election Night at The Owl Farm
297 9th Street, Park Slope
The Park Slope craft beer joint will have Red State/Blue State beer specials for $4 along with their usual 28 beers and 2 casks. 8pm
Animal Farm: Election Night
Legion, 790 Metropolitan Avenue
Hang out with satirical writing group Animal Farm and learn all kinds of Illuminati-style secrets about how the fraud was first created and how it is maintained. Featuring trivia, shot specials and an open mic
Election Night 2012 Fundraiser
Mission Dolores, 249 4th Avenue
All of the profits of this election night party are going to go towards the Red Hook Initiative. The night will feature $2 off Red, Blue and Swing State beers, plus a free shot of bourbon, from cheapest to Bulleit, depending on the election results. So drink up, you’ll be doing good.
Celebrate/mourn the Election With Your Fellow Vegans
105 Eldridge St. between Grand and Broome
SuperVegan sponsors a party at Fontana’s with food by Chickpea & Olive and Dun-Well Doughnuts. Yum. DJs Megan Rascal, Grand Format and Jason Das pump up the jams. 8pm.
Election Day at the Knitting Factory
361 Metropolitan Avenue, Williamsburg
You can’t really go wrong with free popcorn, unless you choke on it because you’re shocked that Party for Socialism and Liberation candidate Peta Linday somehow squeaks out a win.