What’s on your laptop? Bushwick edition

The day: Tuesday, June 16, at 4 p.m. The mission: find out what the laptop nomads are working on at two Bushwick coffee hangs: Café Orwell and The Archive Café. First up: Yoko (left), a 27-year-old web-site designer at Orwell. “I’m currently doing a web-site update for some friends. I’m on www.ojallday.com, a web site for a festival that my band is playing in this weekend. I’m also doing updates for the new Cakeshop in Brooklyn, at www.bruarfalls.com.” Click the arrow to find out what six more Orwellians and Archivists are working on.

Elyse, 23, Bushwick
Right now, I am doing a project for the New York Public Library. I’m transferring audio tapes of people who spoke before the UN. I’m also G-chatting and on Twitter.

Dan, 28, Bushwick
I’m practicing after-effects for motion graphics. I’m also procrastinating and going to www.huffingtonpost.com to follow what’s happening in Iran. There’s a revolution going on right now. They blocked all the media but people are using Facebook and Twitter in real time.

Sam, 23, Bushwick
I’m writing a blog: http://slouchingtowardsbushwick.wordpress.com. It’s about living in Bushwick and finding Jewish-related content. At the moment, I’m doing word processing and also reading blogs.

And over at the Archive Café…

Mayur, 30, Bushwick
I’m trying to find a job. I’m sending out resumes. I took a hiatus for a while and unemployment was coming in, but it’s almost over. The positions I’m looking at are grip and production manager. I do film and video work. I would like to work for a production company that is working on green building and gardening projects, and also comedy.

Josh, 33, Crown Heights
I have an online skateboarding shop/social network (www.ten-onskateshop.com), so right now I’m communicating with MySpace and YouTube contacts to keep them up to date with what’s going on with the shop and the skate community. People are pretty into it. It doesn’t cost anything to do this, and there are a million people out there, so I spend quite a bit of time doing this.

David, 28, Florida
I’m working on my dissertation. I study philosophy. I’m a grad student at NYU. The topic [of the dissertation] is epistemology. I’m looking up some stuff about probability theory on the internet. I’m graduating next May.

Café Orwell, 247 Varet St. (between White St. & Bogart St.), 347-294-4759

The Archive Café, 49 Bogart St. (between Grattan St. & Moore St.), 718-381-1944

Gretchen Muller :

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