Weekend shopping: Pick up this custom-made Chairy chair from Greenpoint

You’ve always wanted your life to be more playful

Look around your apartment? Do you have boring old IKEA furniture and some kind of boring crap you picked up off the street? Well we’ve got a solution for you to turn your apartment into your very own playhouse: just go to Greenpoint with a couple strong folks and carry this custom-made Chairy chair down the stairs and into a waiting moving truck.

Why someone would want to get rid of this, and for just $200 or the best offer they get is beyond us, but all we know is that this extremely large, life-size chair-that-is-also-a-character-from-Pee Wee’s Playhouse can be yours. It could possibly have something to do with the size of the chair, as it is very, very big. So before you run to the truck rental place, keep in mind that the chair is 55 inches tall, 31 inches wide at its widest point and weighs an astounding 70 pounds.

Of course, if you’re fine with all that, the price is a goddamn bargain in the world of $400 craptacular ladder shelves. Especially considering you can hug yourself with the moveable arms of the chair.

David Colon :

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