Y’all know the super rad fountain in front of the Brooklyn Museum? The high spurts of water make you feel giddy and full of hope about the romantic possibilities of life…and very jealous of all the little kids who get to run up and try to fuck with them without reprimand. Well, if you’re musicially inclined, here’s a way for you to have more fun with the fountain than even the kiddos: The Brooklyn Museum is calling for submissions from composers and music producers of any genre to make a soundtrack to accompany the fountain’s water blasts. Any genre whatsoever, so if you’ve been saving up that electroclash/grindcore composition for you the perfect occasion, this might be it. All you have to do is email a link to your composition to adult.programs [AT] brooklynmuseum.org by July 30. The final selections will then be performed for the general public Thursday, August 14 at 6:30 pm.