This is water: The Brooklyn Bridge Park Pop-Up Pool opens Friday!

Everybody into the pool (for 45 minutes). Photo by Etienne Frossard, via Facebook

When it comes to public pools in Brooklyn, we’ve got plenty. The one amenity those pools lack is that they’re not located in beautiful Brooklyn Bridge Park, where you can swim and look out on great views of the Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty and the financial sector of Manhattan (and wonder how they’ll all screw us over next). On the other hand, the Brooklyn Bridge Park Pop-Up Pool has all of those amenities, and it opens tomorrow, June 26 for free 45-minute swim sessions throughout the day. Everyone into the pool (in an orderly fashion)!

For the rest of the glorious summer, from Friday through Labor Day, Brooklyn Bridge Park will have itself a pop-up pool on Pier 2. Hooray! In order to prevent overcrowding and terrible pool hogs though, they smartly will be handing out wristbands on a first-come, first-served basis for 45-minute swim sessions. The wristbands start being handed out at 10am, and then from 10:30am to 4:30pm are given out every hour on the half hour.

And like years past, you can hang around outside the pool doing your summer reading,, sipping Lizzmonade lemonade drinks during the day. Then, as the sun goes down and things take a turn towards party time (specifically, past 6pm), you can hang out at the pool area and drink sangria and beer

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