Volunteer for Radiolab, get free BK Brewery beer!

Drink with Rob and Jad? Yes please!

Dispensing with sarcasm here because THIS MIGHT BE ONE OF THE COOLEST THINGS WE’VE EVER POSTED: On Tuesday, two awesome forces will combine in an explosion of radicalness when WNYC’s all-things-brilliant show Radiolab sets up a shop at Brooklyn Brewery, and they’re looking for volunteers to help! In exchange for some manual labor, hosts Robert Krulwich (swoon, nerds) and MacArthur Genius Grant winning Jad Abumrad (swoon, ladies) will buy you a beer. There’s only room for about 100 volunteers, so RSVP right now by emailing radiolab@wnyc.org with “RSVP” in the subject line. We called the Brewery to get the details, and they told us Radiolab isn’t doing a show there, but is just using the space to set up some lights and equipment for their upcoming roadshow. So you don’t get to see Radiolab in action, but you do get to mingle with a guy who won a genius grant, which, let’s be honest, is like 10 master’s degrees combined.

Tim Donnelly :