Categories: Events

Eat your briny heart out this Saturday at the Vodka and Pickles Festival

Keep it classy this Saturday at Brooklyn’s most endearingly kitschy venue, Park Slope’s Grand Prospect Hall, for The First Annual Vodka and Pickles Festival. While it is unlikely this is actually the first time a party with a combination vodka and pickles theme has ever been thrown in the history of man, it may very well be the first time such a happening is occurring in Brooklyn on this scale.

Join the salty, alcoholic fray for $65 (the $50 early bird pass is sold out) this Sunday at one of two times: a noon to 2:30pm or a 3 to 5:30pm session. There will be an open vodka bar with unlimited tastings of mixed dranks (and almost definitely straight vodka too), unlimited pickles and other hors d’oeuvres, a “funky photo booth”, a Best Vodka Drink contest, and a modern art exhibition and sale.

“Vodka has been proven to be a good companion for meaningful conversations,” the Brown Paper Ticket page for the event declares. So come out and beat the fest’s cost-effective equation by inhaling more than $65 worth of vodka and pickles in a two and a half hour span.

Hannah Frishberg :Queen Brokester, native Brooklynite. The F train is my soul animal.

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  • This sounds SO INTERESTING and since I ❤BROOKLYN...I just had to join to keep updated.