Categories: Outings

Tonight: unload your useless crap for a good cause

picture-86Tonight’s Swag-a-Thon is in Manhattan, but seeing as it’s sponsored by our kindred spirits over at ASSME (The American Society of Shitcanned Media Elites) it seems all too relevant: isn’t Brooklyn the world capital of such folks? First, read AdAge columnist Simon Dumenco’s witty interview with ASSME founder Aaron Gell, the former executive editor at Radar Magazine, which folded last October.

Then bring “your freebies, your crass promotional trinkets yearning to breathe free”—you know, the useless stuff that used to land on your desk on a daily basis that you now sorta miss. Whether it’s a onesie or a Dancing With the Stars headband, the items will be raffled, with 100 percent of the proceeds going straight to supporting homeless people with AIDS and HIV. If you don’t bring this swag you will be asked for a $5 donation (which gets you three raffle tickets.) Open bar with Veev cocktails, from 7 to 8 pm; recession-friendly $3 beers all night. Fontana ‘s NYC @ 105 Eldridge St. between Broome and Grand,

Faye :Faye Penn is the founder of Brokelyn and publisher of the Brooklyn and Queens Beer Books, the Brooklyn Cocktail Book and other stuff you ain't seen yet. She lives in Ditmas Park. Get at her at