Underfunded NYC parks yields dangerous problems

Photo via Kevin Rajaram/Unsplash

There isn’t enough green space in New York City. Besides a lack of park space, the Brooklyn Daily Eagle reports that many of our borough’s parks haven’t been updated since 2000.

Since the parks are underfunded (hello, lack of repairs), it’s hard for basic maintenance duties and wear and tear repairs. Talk about disappointing, disheartening, and just plain wrong. There isn’t enough green space for city residents to experience and now it’s possibly dangerous. We were already made at the MTA and it’s colossal inefficiency, and the parks are at it too?

According to a study from The Center for the Urban Future, it states: “In Fort Greene Park, a 16-year-old support wall is crumbling and could cost more than $20 million to fix, the report added. As far as playgrounds are concerned, lack of maintenance work in Bensonhurst Park has cost the city $65,000 in personal injury settlements.” Um, that is crazy. Why are these parks so severely unfunded? And while we might dig the idea of urban exploring abandoned buildings, we don’t want our parks to end up that way.

Get it together and fix our parks.


[H/t via Brooklyn Daily Eagle]

Stephanie Valente :