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Trying to save money? Keep it simple, very simple

Choose wisely.

When you’re trying to save your rupees, it’s better to think about one big goal —like, say, that sweet new Macbook or the entire fifty billion episode Dr. Who box set — instead of the overall generally scattered, smothered and diced nature of your finances. Or so says this study from the University of Toronto, which has a lot of fancy sciencey terms (and some terrifying math like this: “Mmultiple goals = 6.21%; F(1, 33) = 19.32”). But the nut of it is that if you only have one goal in mind, it makes you more likely to act, whereas too much thinking about which goal is most important freezes you from doing anything. People with many goals fret that putting a dollar in the “trip to Europe” bucket means one less for the “move away from the G train” bucket. But when you’ve got your eye on one prize, it’s easy to watch that cheddar pile up. [via BoingBoing]

Tim Donnelly :

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