Categories: Community

Be a toy master, donate to CAMBA’s toy drive for homeless kids

A lucky kid could be playing with this Mutant Masher, and you won’t even had to have left the house!

So it’s still technically Christmas shopping season, and it means it’s still toy drive season. We know how it is though: despite the fact that buying a toy for a toy drive is a good thing to do, the idea of fighting hordes of deal-hungry masses is a nightmare, especially just days before Christmas. Still, you want to do the right thing. Luckily for you, the fine folks at CAMBA are raising money for their toy drive, which you can donate without leaving the house or fighting anyone in the Target toy aisle.

The Toys for Joy toy drive specifically benefits the children living in CAMBA’s homeless shelters. These kids have it rough enough as it is, and while there are concrete steps people can take to fight for affordable housing, most of them will take longer than just throwing CAMBA some money so that they can buy toys and give kids a decent Christmas. We can all go back to arguing about whether we need to tax the rich to their ears or let the market decide when it comes to affordable housing, but while we have that argument, kids should at least get to ignore us having it by playing with toys.

[h/t Ditmas Park Corner]

David Colon :