1. The itinerant Bushwick Book Club — an evening of music and performance inspired by a literary work—is popping up once again, this time in Dumbo. The acts will all celebrate Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, and performers include Timothy Dark, Swan QDrsti, Jia H. Jung, and Greg Paroff. (Monday, Superfine, FREE)
2. Can’t possibly get enough of this train wreck of an election season? Then you’ll want to check out new storytelling series Political Tale. The inaugural episode features Frank Conniff, Jeff Kreisler, Harmon Leon, Jenice Matias, and Joey Novick sharing their stories of “unimaginable encounters with the political world.” (Monday, Fawkner, $7)
3. Calling all bakers, preservers, foragers, picklers, brewers, and assorted provision-creators: If you’re looking to share delightful foodstuffs, Bk Swappers is your perfect Tuesday evening. Bring as many of your lovingly homemade treats as you can, and trade them for everyone else’s lovingly made treats. (Tuesday, Fine & Raw, FREE)
4. BRIC’s Stoop Series presents a talk and panel discussion around the multimedia book, video, and website Question Bridge, the goal of which is to “facilitates a dialogue between a critical mass of black men from all different backgrounds.” Question Bridge creators will discuss their work, and panelists include artist Jamaal Levine, philanthropist Leonard Noisette, and CEO Shawn Dove. (Tuesday, BRIC, FREE)
5. Get ready to laugh at other people’s fears — in a nice way, of course. Mara Wilson hosts What Are You Afraid Of?, a comedy show exploring anxieties and terrors, with Jasmine Pierce, Anita Flores, Anna Rose Roisman, and Julio Torres. (Wednesday, Over the Eight, $8)
6. For those looking for a midweek rave, the Warper Party is your jam. The semi-regular electronic showcase features two rooms of omnidigital art and electronic music from 25 acts, including Niagara False, DJ Shakey, Swan Ganz, VJ DoctorMojo, and so so so many more. (Wednesday, Tender Trap, FREE)
7. If you like your comedy with a heavy sprinkling of books, head to Literati, a show about the greatest novels never written, where comedians get into character and perform readings. With Dan Wilbur, Glenn Boozan, Taylor Moore, and more. (Thursday, Union Hall, $8)
8. It’s, like, a totally radical night for dancing, which is exactly what you’ll do at Tainted Love 80s Dance Party. Grab some legwarmers, tease your hair, and get ready to shake it all out while DJ Jane Elizabeth spins punk rock, glam rock, Kraut rock, girl rock, dad rock, and on and on. (Thursday, Bell House, FREE)
9. Get carried away at the Flying Machine Factory Circus, a musical spectacle starring clown Adam Kuchler, aerialists Una Mimnagh, Elizabeth Munn, and Rica de Ocampo, and with live music by Sweet Soubrette. (Friday, The Muse, $10)
10. Or experience a whole range of artistic pursuits at Title:Point’s monthly SalON!, this month featuring a performance by Kym Bernazky, a photography presentation by Walter Wlodarczyk, storytelling by Sarah Graalman, a cooking demo by Dale Buchheister, and more. (Friday, Silent Barn, $7–$10)
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