Tonight: sell yourself without selling out

There is another way!

For much of history, thin pockets and artistic greatness were a contradictory but fated reality. But along came the Internet, a cheap outlet for promoting that didn’t involve cross-country buses or pricey print materials. But with that switch, the artist’s dilemma flipped from being seen to being TOO seen: No one wants to be their arts community’s version of The Strokes. But help is on the horizon. The self-starters at NYCreative Interns are teaming up with Etsy to host an event tonight for artists of all stages to ponder the question “How to sell yourself without selling out?” Entry is $5, which looks like a worthy investment for the bevy of takeaways from a mixed panel of artists and media pros, including Tumblr’s communications director, a music video director, a freelance photographer, and NYU’s Director of New Media. For a few hours, your creative spirit-animal, next collaborator, and/or artistic apprentice will be under Etsy’s roof. Register here.

Karina Briski :