Tonight, kick off Labor Day weekend with free tattoos, hot dogs courtesy of Sailor Jerry

Tough old man tattoo artist not guaranteed

So, Labor Day weekend. Technically it’s only supposed to be a three day weekend. But screw that, man, we’re young and free and wild, like that song by .fun says we are. Can’t remember the name of it at the moment. So if you’re making it a four day weekend by skipping work tomorrow, we’ve got the perfect springboard to launch you into your weekend: the folks at Sailor Jerry’s are back to their old tricks of giving out free tattoos and drink specials tonight. Oh, and free hot dogs, too. That’s good!

It’s all pretty simple, as always. Show up to the Passenger Bar tonight (229 Roebling Street) at 7pm and you can get a free Sailor Jerry-themed tattoo. Like an anchor maybe, because you always have wanted to be more like Popeye. While you wait, you can distract yourself from boredom and the existential crises it always brings by grooving to the live music at the bar and tunes spun by DJ Daniel Irons. And there will be drink, with Sailor Jerry specials and slushies all night, so you can wash down those free hot dogs from Bark. Just remember that if you want to show off your tattoo, don’t put it somewhere that will remain covered up as the temperatures drop and you become more and more likely to actually wear a shirt.

David Colon :