Categories: Outings

Tonight: Get your CMJ fix for free at the Bell House

Robbers on High Street, tonight at Bell House.

We’ve established that CMJ is great, but what’s even greater than cheap indie rock shows? Free indie rock shows with free booze, of course. You can thank Gothamist and Brooklyn Based for making your inebriate dreams come true. Tonight at 5 p.m, “CMJ on the Gowanus” kicks off at our favorite Super Fund-area watering hole, the Bell House (149 7th St.). A bunch of buzzworthy bands including Robbers on High Street, Pomegranates, and Small Black will take the stage as you swill down free Triple 8 Vodka. Alcohol aside, there will also be chow provided by Red Hook ball field vendors, Asia Dog, and Van Leeuwen Ice Cream. Just remember: the vodka’s free til it runs out, so jump on it. Check here for the full band line-up.

But we’re not gonna make it that easy for you. Over at the Glasslands Gallery (289 Kent Ave.) in Williamsburg, Death + Taxes Magazine presents a free Japandroids and Real Estate show. Drinks are courtesy of Colt 45 and doors are at 8 p.m. The choice is yours: vodka or malt liquor. We won’t judge. In other free CMJ show news, tomorrow night at 9, the zero-cover-charge lineup at Zebulon (258 Wythe Ave.) features Superhuman Happiness, Choo Choo La Rouge, The Rocco John Group. Finally, Friday night at 11:45 p.m., Harlem and The Dutchess & the Duke play Public Assembly (70 N. 6th Street), also pro bono.

Emily Nelson :