Tomorrow, swap your stuff of relationships past

Ever save an old cell phone because you couldn’t bear to part with an old love’s texts? Or maybe you’re still holding on to flowers, claw machine toys, crumpled love notes, mix tapes and other tokens from partners past? Well, here’s your chance to use your sentimental junk for something other than self-pity: Tomorrow, Saturday, Feb. 13, the Brooklyn Artists Gym will be hosting “BAGGAGE Claim,” a swap meet where you can “gain some closure and walk away emancipated”—and pick up someone else’s baggage too. The evening’s also the opening of  “Me and You and You and Me,” a relationship-themed art show by feistberger with Rylee Eterginoso. The 6 p.m. event is $3 and half of all proceeds go to the Doctors Without Borders effort in Haiti. So, suck it up on Valentine’s Day eve and head on over to 168 7th St.—you might even catch that special, comparably-damaged someone on the rebound. More info here.

Violet Lucca :