We know Park Slope isn’t exactly an undiscovered restaurant hub—but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t get a bit of attention when attention is due. And it’s due this Thursday night, when free (and specially-priced) drinks, appetizers and other tasty treats will be provided by the 40 eateries and sellers taking part in the Park Slope Restaurant Tour. Offerings on the second annual gastronomical tour include free slices of “Brooklyn’s Best Cheesecake” from Cousin John’s, a nip chosen by the spirits specialist at Slope Cellars and miniburgers from Flipster’s. But maybe the most fun of the whole thing is the “Restauranttour Raincheck,” which will get you future credit for the night’s special or freebie at any place you stop by. Imagine a coupon for lamb strudel with mint yogurt sauce, just sitting there for when the mood strikes. And that’s just one of 40.
Park Slope Restaurant Tour, Sept. 17, 7 to 9 p.m.