Today in rage-bait: Is Bushwick the new Soho?

Soho in the 70s or Bushwick today?

Real estate wonk mag The Real Deal asks that question in its most recent issue:

Developers are salivating over sites in Bushwick, industry experts said, especially as nearby Williamsburg has transitioned from a gritty industrial area to an expensive residential neighborhood. Bushwick is still relatively affordable in comparison, but is seeing strong demand for rental housing.

“It’s no coincidence that I got three or four calls in the last month about Bushwick,” said Ian Lester, a Manhattan attorney who represents a number of commercial developers.

And this gem:

Michael Amirkhanian, a Bushwick specialist at Massey Knakal Realty Services, said the manufacturing-zoned area on the map is shaped, perhaps fittingly, like “an upside-down middle finger to the development community.”

Preview of a 2023 headline: “Is Borough Park the new Bushwick?”

[via Brownstoner]

Tim Donnelly :

View Comments (6)

  • We're all so desperate to re-create suburbia in New York City by planting hideous, inaccessible condominiums in the middle of a retail and population wasteland.

  • Naw man. without great subway access it'll never be like soho or even park slope. but of course it will be nicer and more family-friendly than it is now.

  • this is terrible. all of the people who have founded and helped to build such an interesting and creative place are having trouble finding places to live. where will all of the current bushwick residents move to as these apartment prices sky rocket?