Thursday, meet the newest zine on the block

Hey, remember zines? They were those awesome tactile little portable blogs you carried around before your first AOL account, with all the handmade charm of cut-and-paste formatting in the pre-Wordpress era. They were a cultural barometer of a neighborhood, record shop or book store. And they could be again. Our good friends at The Sackett are paying homage to the glory days of zines with their own publication, The Tekcas. If you’re like us, and still have that soft-spot for the printed word, you won’t want to miss Thursday’s launch party at the cozy Park Slope bar.

The bar’s owners, Michael and Ann, are releasing The Tekcas (Sackett backwards) with a 9 p.m. reading. Issue 1 of the bi-annual zine features stories and artwork by customers (including yours truly) on the theme of unclaimed space. The theme was inspired by the empty, unused lot across the street from the bar that, although barren, is still protected by a security fence. Want to hear rambled tales of heartbreak and horror from the unclaimed music scene of coastal South Carolina, accompanied by food and drink specials?? If so, you know where to be Thursday (661 Sackett St., between Fourth and Fifth Aves.)

Tim Donnelly :