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Some things in NYC are still fast (like getting apartment insurance)

Wait for an NYC pie or get your apartment insuredm01229 via Flickr

[sponsored_by name=”Gotham Brokerage Co., Inc” url=”http://gothambrokerage.com/?utm_source=BrooklynBased&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=everest” logo=”http://brooklynbased.com/app/uploads/2014/01/Gotham-Logo-Final1.png” byline=”Let Gotham show you how getting NYC home insurance is fast, friendly, affordable, and easy.” attribution_name=”BlankSlate” attribution_url=”http://www.blankslate.com/”]

New Yorkers walk fast, talk fast, and do business faster than anyone else in the world. Which is why it’s so frustrating that everything in New York seems to takes longer than it should — whether it’s your commute, getting approval from your co-op board, or the line at Starbucks. For example:

— Average travel time from Midtown to JFK: 90 minutes

— Wait for a pie at Di Fara pizza: Up to one hour

— Average wait for cable guy: $#%& @#$

Fortunately, you can get some things checked off your to-do list in no time at all, like getting apartment insurance through Gotham Brokerage. They can usually line up insurance for a client in as little as 20 minutes.

Gotham Brokerage is a New York-based, family-owned company, and they know NYC apartment owner and renter needs better than anybody else. This means they can quickly determine the right kind of plan and coverage. If you’ve been meaning to get your apartment insured, but thought you didn’t have the time — you probably have 20 minutes, right?

It’s nice to know that sometimes things in New York can be easy, affordable, and fast.

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