Categories: News

The Park Slope Armory isn’t done with you yet

They still need it. via WRVS

With everyone turning their attention to the election tonight, it might be tempting to try to start moving on from Sandy. That would be a mistake. The Park Slope Armory is still home to 310 people from nursing homes in Far Rockaway, and while they’re waiting to get resettled, there are fewer volunteers each day. The Armory still needs 40 volunteers every night to help with things like general support, bathroom visits, breakfast preparation and food and supply logistics.

The Armory especially needs people for shifts from 8pm – 12am, 12am – 4am and 4am – 8am, and welcomes people who can do double shifts. To volunteer, either email Amy ( with your name, cell number and availability. Or just show up.

Conal went over to help this weekend, and he said that the DMAT teams there are doing a great job, but that the people there are all in varying states of mental or physical disability due to their age and are terribly bored, lonely and/or scared. As he put it, “It’s not easy or glamorous and there’s a terrible reminder of your own mortality. But it’s nearby and it’s worth it.”

David Colon :