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The internet is stalking you: Free wifi coming to BK parks

Turn on, log in, lay out. Prospect Park photo by Flickr's AnnieGreenSprings

Charge up your batteries, fiddle with your dimmer settings and get that iced coffee to go: First DUMBO brought free wifi to the streets, now the major parks in Brooklyn are slated to get free wifi by the end of the summer. WNYC reported yesterday that Prospect, McCarren, Fort Greene, Brooklyn Bridge and Herbert Von King parks will be hooked up with wifi thanks to AT&T by the end of summer. It’ll last at least five years, the length of AT&T’s agreement. It’s not clear when you’ll be able to log on — nor is it clear if the signal can handle 500 people trying to FoodSpot their margarita picnic brunches in McCarren — but the wifi has already been turned on in some Manhattan and Bronx parks.

According to WNYC, the rest of the parks covered include:

Bronx: Joyce Kilmer Park, Bronx River Park and Devoe Park

Manhattan: Battery Park, Thomas Jefferson Park, Central Park (multiple locations), the High Line, Holcombe Rucker Park, Marcus Garvey Park and Tompkins Square Park

Queens: Astoria Park, Flushing Meadows Corona Park and MacDonald Park

Staten Island: Clove Lake Park and South Beach

Outdoor blogging? Live Skyping your buddies from outdoor Ghostbusters? A chance to get a leg up on those iPad-toting smug San Franciscans ? Sign us up!

Mayor Bloomberg heralded the news: “Just imagine the possibilities. More New Yorkers will now be able to take their office outdoors. They’ll be able to upload photos during outdoor concerts or as their kids are playing in the parks.

Bloomy, we’re not sure you know what you’re getting into. Now, how about some free public outlets too?

Tim Donnelly :