Karaoke, 90s and Italian balls: The best free things to watch for at Union Hall

Just a typical night at Karaoke Killed the Cat.

For those of you who grew up in Park Slope (“The Slope”) and are recent members of the over 21 club you’ll remember Union Hall, established in 2006, as the bar that never took your fake ID. Years later, chock full of legality you’re now broke and ready to mingle. Tucked in the heart of The Slope at 702 Union St., Union Hall has hearty leather chairs, walls covered with fully loaded bookshelves and age old portraits. It has something for everyone — even those with little cash to spare. With Park Slope real estate prices soaring and Fifth Avenue bar specials dwindling, the cheap and free events at Union Hall are a go-to for any day of the week. Here are a few of our favorite free events to watch for.

Karaoke Killed The Cat
For the brave and very drunk, every Friday at midnight, Union Hall houses Karaoke Killed The Cat. Hosted by Chris Goldteeth (@chrisgoldteeth) and Lord Easy (@lordeasy) at various locations since 2003, Karaoke Killed The Cat isn’t your typical night of pitchy performances. Goldteeth and Easy bring together everything you secretly love about karaoke and what they call a “booty popping dance party” and mash ‘em up, fully loaded with crowd surfing and choreography.

Two Truths and A Lie
Not a regular happening, but a treasure if you catch the night, Two Truths and A Lie is a wonderful, Brooklyn grown event. Started in the summer of 2010 by Mitra Bonshahi and Sylvie Lubow, Two Truths is a take on the popular camp fire/ice breaker game. The original game requires every player to tell two truths about themselves and one lie, leaving the other players struggling to guess the lie.

“Our show has taken this alluring game to the next level by turning it into a live storytelling event; one that celebrates the art of storytelling, as much as it celebrates the art of guessing,” Lubow tells us. The last Two Truths was boldly held the Monday after Super Bowl Sunday, forcing storytellers and guessers to weather their hangovers. The next is yet to be scheduled but for dates, more information, or to sign up to be a performer visit their Facebook page or Twitter.

Crazy $ince Da 90s!
Were you a Saved By The Bell Fan? Could you “solve any crime by dinner time?” Then it’s probably because you’ve been Crazy $ince Da 90s! Unfortunately this evening of 90s jams DJ’d by Brendan B, Stefonix, & Bianca just passed on Saturday, March 3 at Union Hall but fear not for every couple of months this night of bumpin’ and gridin’ resurfaces. MyFreeConcert.com lists Crazy $ince Da 90s events so follow their twitter, @MyFreeConcertNY for updates!

One of Union Hall’s most notable features is its bocce court. It’s free to play as long as you can beat the crowds and die-hard players. The games can get competitive and always draw a crowd. If you’re already an experienced bocce player and can’t be bothered with amateurs, Union Hall hosts a league. For more information contact Tim Rochester.

To stay up on free nights at Union Hall check out its calendarFacebook, and Twitter.

Follow Sonia: @soniajlessuck.

Sonia Lessuck :