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Thanks, Obama(care): New York previews insurance subsidies for poors

You can wear whatever ridiculous shit you want if it means I can finally go to the dentist. via Students for Barack Obama

It’s felt like a whole lifetime has come and gone since the law actually passed, but finally, finally, the Affordable Care Act’s health care exchanges are going to be opening on October 1. What does this big government takeover of healthcare government assistance in the private healthcare market mean for you? Well, thanks to New York State actually having their shit together and ready to roll on Tuesday, they’re giving out a preview of the size of the subsidy you qualify for, based on your income.

The preview works pretty simply, estimating how much of a subsidy you’ll get based on how much money you make in a year, and then subtracting that from the Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze and Catastrophic plans offered in Brooklyn. We’ll have nine health care plans to choose from around here, including the Freelancer’s Union, Fidelis, EmblemHealth and more for-profit companies whose primary goal is not to deliver the best possible healthcare to you but enrich their executives and make decisions based on their bottom lines.

Sure, it’s just a preview. But the Tax Credit and Premium Rate Estimator (great name) is fun to play around with, especially if you don’t make that much money. Hell, even if you make a decent salary, anyone without dependents who makes up to $45,959 per year is eligible for a tax credit. Although if you actually do make that much, you’ll only get a dollar and change to help you buy something.

On the other hand, the tool is a veritable Wonderland of healthcare possibility for people who make $30,000 per year and under, and don’t have insurance. Imagine going from having no insurance to getting $150 per month to put towards insurance. Depending on how much you make, you may not be thrilled to see the results of the calculator if you enter less money in the “Income” field and see what people making much less than you will pay. Which, we do sympathize with, and is why some of us still believe in single payer healthcare. But we’ll save that Maoist drivel for the de Blasio administration, and see you again on October 1, when everyone can actually apply for insurance.

David Colon :

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  • Can't find the premium estimator anywhere on that page. All I'm seeing is a password protected excel doc. How'd you find the tool, David?