Categories: Outings

Team Brokelyn is getting sand in our jorts

Trevor, Team Brokelyn's original surf brah

It’s damn near 100 degrees, which means we’re going to be light on posts today, not just to let our laptops cool but also because Team Brokelyn is taking a beach day! Yes, this is one of the few perks of being funemployed, so we’re taking advantage. But did you know Brokelyn has plenty of beach-friendly content ready for you to explore? Take a hint from us and find out how (and how much) to get stoked for a summer of surfing at Rockaway. Or hitch your board to a train and find out how to get to a nearby beach in Jersey or Long Island. If you’re stuck on dry land (womp womp) there’s plenty of free stuff to do in BK today. We’ll be back tomorrow, but if you’ve got the day off, come meet us in Rockaway: It’s not hard, not far to reach!

Brokelyn staff :