Despite the fact that a couple of regulars are trying to make sure that the Tea Lounge goes on under a different name, the people who went to say goodbye to the Tea Lounge last night couldn’t be blamed for thinking it was the end. As such, tipster Vijith Assar said that when he went to pay his respect last night, he noticed plenty of goodbye messages scrawled on the wall of the coffee shop’s bathroom. Of all the time for bathroom graffiti, this seems the least offensive time to do it.
Some of the goodbye messages were multi-brick, verbose statements saying thanks…
Others were simpler in their farewells
Of course, in the best-case scenario, these farewell messages turn out be written a little early. If not, well they might disappear when the walls get knocked down so a Chase can go in, but the spirit of the graffiti will live on and haunt the bank.