Gone are the days where grad school was the only way to enhance your post-graduate skill set. These days you can find professional development classes all over the city—ones that cost only peanuts compared to their degree-granting brethren. And you’ve been saying for weeks now that you want to build your website. But when are you actually gonna do it, huh?
We’ve partnered with a directory called CourseHorse, that streamlines all of the classes in the city available for a given interest. Want to learn Photoshop? There’s a class for that. Want to perfect that chickpea dahl recipe? There’s a class for that.
CourseHorse isn’t just a directory, though—it’s also a kind of loyalty program. The more classes you book through the site, the more points you accrue. Points then convert into money you can shave off your next class. And even though most of the courses cost money, CourseHorse also features free and cheap courses happening at libraries, in community centers and on professional schools’ discounted days.

So take a free Photoshop class at the Brooklyn Public Library, where you can learn how to drag and drop a Tom Selleck moustache seamlessly onto your friend’s face. Or harness the power of game theory to help you maximize strategic moves on game boards, as well as in the boardroom.
You’d rather get in touch with nature? Join Remedies Herb Shop for a weed walk in Central Park, and learn how not to go the way of Emile Hirsch in Into the Wild. Or, crawl inside a woodland world of your own at this DIY moss terrarium workshop hosted by Twig Terrariums in Gowanus. (They even give you a tiny person to live inside of your tiny forest!)

Looking for something a little more alt-folk? Try out this beginners’ Appalachian clogging course. May seem odd now, but if you practice hard enough, one day you be able to do this! Then, chalk on a class about how to speak Japanese using anime TV shows. Yep: you’ll gain the skills to introduce yourself to others and hold up a conversation, as well as spike your hair and feel only a large raindrop on your forehead when you’re sad.
If all else fails and you still just wanna get laid, at least go and learn how to get a little knotty with it at a beginner’s guide to rope bondage, hosted by Babeland at their SoHo location.
In short, the class choices are pretty much endless. So check out CourseHorse and sign up for something new.