Tag: yoga

Sweet benefits alert: free yoga, massages, chiropractic tweaks. Who even cares what the job is?

  Do you do drink blueprint cleanses instead of picklebacks and and consider flaxseed bars a sometimes food? (Too much agave!)…

Get your om on for free with pop up yoga at Dekalb Market

The best part about summer in Brooklyn is scouting out free outdoor activities that will be fun without being crowded…

Bring a friend for free at new Area Yoga in BK Heights

Our friends over at A Child Grows in Brooklyn report that Area Yoga is expanding into Brooklyn Heights this weekend…

What are your 2012 Brooklyn resolutions?

Even we haven't been everywhere and done everything in Brooklyn yet, but this year, we resolve to try. What are…

Friday linkage

Downward-facing adorable brat [Plum District] When you're hungry for coffee and deadlines [Brooklyn Based] Jewpon, Jdeal, OyWhataDeal, ChristianDeals, Muslim-Deals now things [RNS]…

Sweat it outdoors with epic summer fitness guide

Gyms, they try so hard to get you in the door, what with their discounts and freebies and entreaties to karma.…

School out, fitness in: discount yoga for NYC teachers

Sometimes it seems like there's yoga for every stripe of Brooklynite: free city sponsored yoga in Williamsburg, a handful of…

Dharma bummed? Try these pay-what-you-wish yoga

Yoga is a beloved pastime for many Brooklynites, but making it a habit could quickly break the bank. How are…

Quick tip: Unlimited free Bushwick yoga all week

Reader Jessica Garro passed on this tip: new yoga studio in Jai Yoga Arts at 47 Thames Street in Bushwick…

Free online workouts for the winter warrior

Summer has long departed and with it went all the free outdoor workout opportunities, from Zumba in the park to…