Tag: writing

Literary salon Literate Sunday needs a new home

The solitary writing life lends itself to the lonely drinking life, but even the most anti-social writer has to interact…

Writers: A group in Detroit wants to give you a free house

Writing. It's a tough racket, especially if you aspire to do anything loftier than say mean things about people's terrible…

Help wanted write away: Be a writing mentor for Girls Write Now

Hey, all you lady writers of Brooklyn, how do you feel about sharing some of that talent/confidence/fortissimo you've built up…

How to be less terrible at pitching big-deal editors

In case you missed it, NY Times Magazine culture editor Adam Sternbergh recently gave out some free advice on Twitter on…

Sample some Gotham writing classes for free

You've passed by those ubiquitous yellow Gotham Writers' Workshop boxes on the street, possibly wondering if they offer legitimate ways to…

5 lit contests to enter on a writer’s budget

In the immortal words of Chris Farley's motivational speaker Matt Foley: "Hey, is that Bill Shakespeare over there? I can't…