Tag: worth the trip to manhattan

The best Restaurant Week deals in Brooklyn (and what to skip)

It’s that wonderful time of year where some of New York’s finest restaurants offer three-course meals for a (sometimes only…

Reminder: Eat the best pizza in NYC for $1/slice to benefit charity at Slice Out Hunger tonight

Pizza! It's a wonderful invention, and one that can be appreciated by pretty much everyone in this city, from committed…

Party with free pizza and free whiskey shots tonight

As you know, it takes a lot for us to recommend you go somewhere in Manhattan. Not that Manhattan is…

NYC Pride: the best ways to enjoy the gayest weekend of the year

Same-sex marriage is no longer a cherry picking situation of acknowledging some couples in certain states, and not in others.…

You can swim in a rooftop pool for just $15 this summer

Ah, the old "pool on the roof" bit. Great way to trick freshmen and other newcomers, but would also be…

Snag free tickets to the Tribeca Film Festival this week

It's almost time for the Tribeca Film Festival, New York City's annual show of force letting those jerks at Sundance…

Thursday night: Four native New Yawkers compete over who has the best accent

Everyone loves a New Yawk accent (we don't care if you actually don't like it), but beyond Fred Armisen doing…

Shake Shack making it rain free breakfast sandwiches and burgers on Wall Street today

Shake Shack is suddenly valued at $746 million, $200 million more than they were worth last Tuesday, and a staggering…

Get your ‘Broad City’ fix, see Ilana Glazer perform free at the Cake Shop tonight

We might be just starting the hopeless slog that is January, but there's reason for optimism: the second season of Broad…

Start writing that novel you said you’d write this year with free writing workshops this week

It's a new year, and you're promising a new you, just like last year. Except this year will be different,…