Tag: voting

November 6 is coming: here’s what you need to know

Vote, vote, vote, vote, VOTE!

Monday linkage: Pre-election anxiety relief edition

Every single thing you need to know about how/where/when to vote [Google] The NYT dropped its paywall now through Thursday.…

Help unsuppress the vote! The city is hiring poll workers for election day (and you can earn $300)

We don't know the outcome of election day yet, but we do know one thing for certain: the process of…

Help suppress voter suppression: You can make $200 a day as an election day poll worker

Depending on how many Bernie supporters you're friends with, your newsfeed is likely full of people complaining about the voting problems…

New WNYC map shows no one in BK voted in 2009

Just because New Yorkers know voting is important doesn't mean they do it, especially if the newest interactive map from…

Where to vote in Brooklyn tomorrow

This past week we've all been a little distracted by that brat Sandy and the amazing and inspiring outpouring of…

No excuses: You can now register to vote online! Do it!

Remember when you didn’t register to vote because you couldn’t find the form/Board of Elections address/mailbox to mail the form?…

Friendly reminder: You’re running out of time to register to vote

Hello, are you registered to vote? Please do it, as it's ever so important. The last day to register is…

Today’s primary responsibility: vote for something

Chances are you're getting this from all sides, but we have to do our civic part too. This voting thing…