Tag: volunteering

Sweet gig alert: See movies for free all summer as a Rooftop Films volunteer

Volunteer with Rooftop Films this summer to catch flicks and bands for free, and learn how the coolest film festival…

Sweet volunteering gig alert: Help these kids become published writers before middle school

We like to keep you posted on volunteer opportunities that are worthwhile, and one of our favorites is coming up…

Help make Fort Tilden fresh and clean for next summer this weekend

Summer is only right around corner (provided of course you're on a very long curve), and one thing that means…

You’ve got one last chance to clean Greenpoint and get free lunch from Adelina’s

How do you know it's still summer, even as your Twitter feed is full of people pushing "adorable kids going…

Volunteer to clean up Greenpoint this weekend, get a free bomb-ass lunch [UPDATE: Delayed due to bad weather]

[UPDATE: The organizers have emailed us to let us know that bad weather has pushed back the clean up to…

Branch out and help the Parks Department count the city’s street trees

You might recall a couple weeks ago when we alerted you to the city's need for volunteers to count garbage…

Volunteer today to help the city count garbage on the beach

We love our beaches here in the city, but let's be honest, they don't always have a reputation as being…

Here’s your chance to spend your summer kayaking

Summer means sun, which also means boats. If you're looking for a way to get out on the water when…

Volunteer to help get Brooklyn Bridge Park back into shape for spring

That sure was a rough winter we just went through, huh? We guess with the threat of snow hanging over…

Help Greenlight Bookstore with their gift wrapping, get a 20% discount

We love Greenlight Bookstore (686 Fulton Street) for their great selection and community involvement, so it comes as little surprise…