Tag: Valentine’s Day

Fight the V-Day blues with free Tuesdays at the Tea Lounge

By now, you should know the Tea Lounge holds weekly fun and free events every Tuesday night, including a story…

This looks like fun: boozy painting class, $25

Today Google Offers has a deal for half off a BYOB painting class at Painting Lounge in Williamsburg. The two-hour…

Eat your heart out: An Organ Donor Day tour of BK

Did you know that the annual day of love and tasteless chocolates also shares its calendar space with National Donor…

When all else fails: A strip club deals guide

Going to a strip club is probably not at the top of your list of things to do on Valentine’s…

Dance, sing or Smiths away the V-Day blues this week

Dating in Brooklyn couldn’t be more awkward/fickle/sociopathic/on-the-internet, and Feb. 14th is just the day to be excruciatingly self-aware of this. There’s…

Chew on some affordable V-Day ideas

Newsflash, Brooklyn: it’s time to get a leg up on Valentine’s Day plans. While my ideal date night starts with…

What’s the most romantic place in BK?

With everyone's most and least favorite Hallmark holiday a mere 42 days away, love is practically almost in the air.…

Birds do it, bees do it, red pandas at the Prospect Park Zoo do it (and you can watch)

NSFW animal-mating demos are just one of of the attractions of a weekend-long love-fest sponsored by the Heart of Brooklyn,…

7 ways to eat your way through V-Day

Here are some budget-friendly ideas from some of our favorite Brooklyn foodie. Bon apetit!, Brokelyn Luv Style.