Tag: uber

City residents vote on the best ride share app

...and it's not Lyft line.

City shafting local dollar vans, licensing Cali startup as L train alternative

The startup, Chariot, markets itself as a clean and sterile ride share service in the Uber model and a direct…

Ridesharing in the music industry: Sofar and the ticketed house show

Uber has demolished the taxi industry's ability to gate keep through medallions and, somewhat similarly, Sofar is opening up the…

Uber would like you to stop flirting with fellow passengers please

A car full of strangers whose addresses you can learn if you pay attention to where they get dropped of…

Un-fare! Uber has a huge racism and sexism problem, according to a new study

The days of cabbies skipping fares based on the color of their skin have (surprise!) not gone away with the…

Why NYC drivers want you to switch from Uber to Juno

When the car service app Lyft came to New York there were a number of people (myself included) who never…

Do not let Uber’s Commute Card undercut the subway

I have heard tale of mysterious creatures of New York, the privileged souls who refuse — actually refuse! — to…

Shocking scientific discovery: Uber is pretty much never cheaper than a taxi

This is an intervention: you've got to break up with Uber. Sorry, not sorry. We know it's hard; and deep…

The City Council wants to cap Uber’s surge pricing

Uber, the cab company that wants you to think it's a lifestyle, an app, a brandstyle, a lifebrand, Christ anything…

Which cab app deserves your hard-earned cash?

We're not big cab people, but those times when you're late for a flight after oversleeping because you set your…