Tag: Twitter

Twitterers every brokester should follow

Everyone knows of all the different group deals sites out there — odds are, you've got Groupon, LivingSocial and maybe…

8 tips for turning tweets into free eats

In the current economy, many businesses are using the carrot and stick method to lure potential customers. This is great…

Weird new social-media trend: retail voyeurism

I am a hypocrite. I didn't start out that way, but Blippy, the latest oversharing service, has turned me into…

The best Donnas/Benatar/Blondie tweets (as of 12:25 a.m.)

katelondonNYC At the Coney Island Pat Benatar/Blondie show with my niece....WHO THE FUCK ARE THE DONNAS? matthewbautista In 6th grade…