Tag: Twitter

Union Pool hookup homages now trending on Twitter

Union Pool, AKA an expanded Terminal 5 bathroom, known by tourists and locals alike as “where the boys are”, is…

Tweet-sourced map claims Corona is New York City’s favorite cheap beer

When it comes to drinking beer, it's really important to fit in with what the dominant trends are, lest you…

Cops in San Francisco using Twitter to find stolen bikes

Last week we explained why people kept stealing your bike, and how there's nothing you can really do about it.…

Brooklyn comedian live-tweets couple breaking up on his roof

What did you do with your weekend? Take a leisurely hike? Go grocery shopping? Watch football for two days and…

The best tweets of the mayoral election

If you slept through the blaring of the Internationale last night, or just decided to watch the Fox comedy block…

Did a bomb go off in Bushwick? No, a bomb didn’t go off in Bushwick

Oh Twitter, you and your scurrilous rumors. After this not-at-all sensationalistic tweet from Kitty Pryde (also if you hate Bushwick,…

Hello, modern age: Twitter’s looking for a news and journalism head

It's no secret that Twitter's turned into a primary (if occasionally misleading) news resource in this Age of Information. But…

NYC’s Fourth Annual ‘Poetweet’ contest wants your Twitter poetry

So Mike Bloomberg personally doesn't know a hashtag from a tag sale. That doesn't mean he's not going to take…

Mo RT’s Mo Problems: Finally, get paid for your tweets

Despite the fact that they're free services, Twitter, Instagram and all the rest are making a ton of money on…

Duane Reade just crushed Walmart (in number of Twitter followers)

We're suckers for rooting for the little guy, even if, in this case, the little guy is a ubiquitous chain…