Tag: transalt office

This week in anti-Trump activism: Be like Boston

More than 20,000 anti-racist protesters drove a right-wing "rally for free speech" out of Boston last weekend. Be more like…

This week in anti-Trump activism: Stand up against white supremacy

Over the weekend, a group of white supremacists gathered for a racist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Stand up against their…

This week in anti-Trump activism: One step forward, two steps back?

Every time a good thing happens (ACA ban fails again!) it seems like more bad things come out of the…

This week in anti-Trump activism: Conclusion? Collusion

Time is moving so slowly and I don't know if this administration will ever end.

This week in anti-Trump activism: Say no to nepotism

Ivanka was at the G20 summit, ha ha ha everything is fine, everything is totally cool, we are fine!