Tag: taxes

The easiest ways to cheat on your taxes, according to The NY Times

Our tax system is so flawlessly constructed and fair that I'm cashing out my retirement package from my last job…

Fantasy tax credits for the 99 percent we wish were real

Oh if only there were such a thing as "freelancer subsidies" and a "no car credit." Via The Strip in…

Reminder: Have you done your damn taxes yet? You’re not alone

You've got barely a week left to file your 2012 taxes, which means it's either time to find out how…

Get taxes done for free from Brass Taxes!

Brass Taxes' Rus Garofalo, who specializes in preparing taxes for freelancers, shows you why he is cheaper than online tax…

Tax day freebies to help deduct some sadness

Hey kids, it's tax day. And technically, Monday is tax day, too. We hope you've already tackled the challenge: Maybe…

Five reasons NOT to do your own taxes (plus a free tax-prep giveaway from Brass Taxes)

Rus Garofalo of Brass Taxes says the single biggest mistake a barista/painter/nanny/poet/copywriter can do is trying to do your taxes…

Get free tax help before Uncle Sam comes calling

We'll have some new tax pointers to share in coming weeks, but here's a quick tip: instead of paying high…

Today: weirdly good deals from NYC coupon sites

Typically, coupon sites traffic in hair removal, little-known restaurants and spa miscellany we don't need, but we couldn't help noticing…

Cheap, last-minute tax advice for procrastinators

Let's see... elaborate April Fool's day prank involving fake job offer for roommate: check. Annual passive-aggressive spring cleaning e-mail to…